The Amazonas rainforest
A large aquarium for discus fish is always a special highlight. The Amazonia aquarium background is the perfect design element to create an impressive Amazonian underwater scape. The refined combination of burl wood and natural rock formations in our 3D background – following the example of nature – brings the Amazon into the aquarium.
This captivating eye-catcher is the figurehead of the pet shop of This captivating eye-catcher is the figurehead of the pet shop of Tiega – Tier und Gartenwelt in Verl.
Scape by Oliver Knott for Mario Fortkort, Tiega – Tier- und Gartenwelt in Verl
Aquarium background Amazonas 200 x 60cm, adapted to aquarium height of 80cm
Live stock: Stendker Diskus, Tetras, Ancistrus-catfish as “Cleaning Crew”