made in Sweden

Octopus Teo in the kelp forest rock slope

Slimline and rockmodules cover the central overflow

Octopus Teo in the kelp forest rock slope

The Octopus aquarium in the aquarium show room of the Zoo Duisburg, Germany.

This coldwater biotope recreates a rock slope with Kelp and sea anemones. It is an typical underwater biopope of temperate and cold seas. Slimline backgrounds and rock modules have been put together for a rock construction. The rock wall ist constructed in such a way that the Octopus cannot climb behind it. The slope has a main cave and several open shelters for Octopus Teo. Artificial seaweed and kelp give the aquarium a very natural overall picture.

The acrylic glass specialist and aquarium builder Florian Schuran, company NEW WAVE has planned and realized this aquarium together with the sponsor Octeo for the Zoo Duisburg, Germany. Welcome to all for the confidence in our Back to Nature aquarium decoration.

Acrylic glass column with a total volume of 3.000L
Diameter 150 cm, height 130 cm
Total height with cabinet and cover 300 cm