An inspiring living room with a perfectly integrated discus wall aquarium can not be seen every day.
However, at the holiday home rental service Freienstein on Föhr, the aquarium is actually merged into the living room and invites you to linger.
The technology tank with automatic water change was built space saving under the aquarium in the base cabinet. On the back of the pool is the access via a cupboard door in the kitchen. Back To Nature and well planned aquarium construction makes it possible to hide the 92 cm high filter shaft. Behind the new large Back to Nature large Amazonas wood root L, Basalt Gneiss slimline backgrounds and rock modules, the entire technology of the 600L aquarium is covered. As individual as the living room are also the dimensions of width 92 x depth 75 and height 100cm. The circular cutout or porthole of 80 cm diameter give this Diskusaquarium the opportunity to connect with the living room to a modern unity and perceive it as such.
Technical know-how, sensitivity and, above all, understanding of the customer’s wishes have enabled the implementation of the extraordinary Discus aquarium project. Engineering and implementation of a project by Diskuszentrum München – realisation of Back to Nature dream aquariums worldwide.